What's a Panic Attack and its Physiological Symptoms?
A panic attack is a sudden and intense episode of extreme anxiety or fear, often accompanied by various physical and psychological symptoms. These attacks can be incredibly distressing and typically reach their peak within a few minutes. Some common symptoms and characteristics of a panic attack include:
Rapid Heartbeat: Your heart may start racing, and you may feel palpitations.
Shortness of Breath: You might experience difficulty breathing or a feeling of suffocation.
Chest Pain: Chest pain or discomfort can occur, which is often mistaken for a heart attack.
Trembling or Shaking: Your body may shake or tremble uncontrollably.
Sweating: Profuse sweating, even in cool environments, is common during a panic attack.
Nausea: You may feel nauseous or experience stomach discomfort.
Dizziness or Fainting: Some people experience lightheadedness or may even faint.
Hot or Cold Flashes: You might feel sudden changes in body temperature.
Numbness or Tingling: This can occur in the extremities.
Fear of Losing Control or Dying: Many people experiencing a panic attack have an intense fear of losing control, going crazy, or even dying.
Intense Worry or Fear: There is often an overwhelming sense of fear or dread.
Panic attacks can be triggered by various stressors, phobias, or situations, and they can occur in people with or without an underlying anxiety disorder. Some individuals experience isolated panic attacks, while others have recurring episodes and may be diagnosed with panic disorder.
What's a Panic Attack and its Physiological Symptoms?
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